17 June 2011

Inchloss BIO essence

nak share sikit dengan kawan kawan yang nak buang lemak lemak kat perut, peha, lengan atau kat mana2 yang rasa banyak lemak. kaknab ada beli Inchloss Bio essense, sales assistant kat Jusco recommend. so balik sapu lah kat perut dan pinggang pagi dan malam, kaknab nak tengok keberkesanan kat perut dulu, sebab kaknab nak kecilkan sikit pinggang, pinggang kaknab 31 inci sebelum guna cream ni, selepas guna selama seminggu memang benar seperti di tulis di pack cream ni iaitu akan turun 1/2 inci selepas 7 hari, memang selepas 7 hari pinggang kaknab tinggal 30 1/2. lemak2 kat perut kaknab rasa kempis sikit perut kaknab. Ini hari yang ke 8 kaknab guna, nanti kaknab update lagi selama 28 hari bila kaknab menggunakannya, dan kaknab nak tengok berapa lama cream ini boleh tahan dengan menggunakan 2 kali sehari. harga nya kaknab beli rm49.00 kalau boleh kurangkan sebanyak 2 inci selama 28 hari dan satu tube boleh tahan sebulan kira okaylah, bukan senang nak turunkan 2 inci kan. apa pun kaknab akan update nanti.

Apa rasa cream ni bila dah sapu kat perut?  mak oi panas hau hau, panasnya boleh rasa selama 2 jam, tapi kaknab dah memang biasa sapu halia dan cuka selama dalam pantang bersalin 5 orang anak, panasnya memang macam yang kaknab sapu halia dan cuka kat perut tu. jadi bagi kaknab panas hau hau tak hairan lah. sap sap soi lah, hahaha tak ada apa punya, janji boleh kurangkan pinggang dan kempiskan perut kaknab. anak kaknab akan bersalin bulan july ni, so kaknab boleh bagi dia guna untuk sapu kat perut, cream ni juga boleh hilangkan stretch mark. dia kata perut dia ada banyak stretch mark atau pecah pecah,  sian dia, tak ikut kaknab, kaknab wpun mengandung 5 orang anak, perut kaknab tak pecah langsung. jenis kulit agaknya.

15 June 2011

salam semua

apabila umuq kita meningkat metabolisma kita akan menughun, apa yang kita makan akan jadi lemak, menyebabkan payah hendak tughun badan, contohnya kaknab,  kalau dulu makan banyak mana pun badan maintain saja, kini kaknab dah 55, makan tak banyak mana pun, kalau makan nasi setengah senduk saja, bukan tak lalu, tapi control, kalau ikut kan hati memang lah satu pinggan penuh, lebih lebih lagi kalau berulam dengan sambal  belacan, mak oi, punya lah sedap. Dalam dok control makan pun beghat  kaknab dah naik sampai 56 kgs, kalau ikutkan BMI kaknab cuma 48 sahaja. toksah kan nak tughunkan 8 kilos, nak tughunn 1/2 kilos pun payah. bukan tak exercise, tiap tiap hari keluaq jogging, kayuh basikal, hai lah badan awat hang tak boleh tughun huhuhu. apa pun kaknab sentiasa active dan sihat, nak buat camna kan kita pun nak kawai janji dia tak exceed 56 cukup, tu kaknab dok timbang seminggu sekali, oghang kata keep track lah konon. ni gambaq kaknab tangkap haghi ni, lagi seminggu umuq kaknab 55 lah. warga mas lah.

12 June 2011

Nasi Ayam

hari ni masak nasi ayam je, cepat dan mudah. apa taknya, masak nasi, goreng ayam, buat sup, buat sos cili. haaa siap. resepi nasi ayam kaknab cepat dan mudah. jum kita tengok ramuan2nya.

untuk perap ayam:
ayam 1 ekor
1 camca besar serbuh jintan manis
1 camca besar serbuk jintan putih
1 camca besar serbuh lada putih
sedikit halia dan 10 biji bawan putih (tumbuk lumat)
2 camca besar minyak bijan
1 camca besar madu
1/2 cawan kicap manis
3/4 cawan kicap masin

campurkan semua di atas kemudian perapkan ayam selama 2 jam. pastikan ayam betul2 mesra dengan bahan2 perap itu. pastu goreng dalam minyak yang penuh dengan api perlahan, kalau api kuat ayam nanti hitam sebab ada madu, kaknab cuma masukkan ke dalam rice cooker di masak dengan minyak hingga hapus ayam, sambil alih2 kan supaya masak dengan rata. ayam masak elok dan tidak hangit langsung.

ramuan nasi ayam:
3 cawan beras wangi
4 cawan air
sedikit hali dan 5 ulas bawang putih (ditumbuk lumat)
2 cube cube ayam maggi
2 camcabesar margarine

basuh beras dan toskan, ketepikan beras. dalam rice cooke, panaskan margarine, tumiskan halia dan bawang putih, masukkan 1 helai daun pandan, masukkan air 4 cawan, masukkan cube ayam, biar mendidih masukkan beras kaknab tak masukkan garam, sebab cube ayam dah ckup masin.

07 June 2011

Petua diabetes

kaknab Prediabetic, so kalau tak control nanti dapat diabetes. tadi baru saja check kat farmasi, bacaan selepas makan ialah  3.1 mmol/L. Ini dikira rendah sangat lah, sepatutnya kena 4 mmol/L ke atas tapi not more than 7. Ini kerana sebelum tidur kaknab akan minum satu gelas air kosong + 1 tabspoon of Apple cider vinegar. ACV memang baik untuk menurunkan gula dalam darah,  oleh kerana kaknab cuma Prediabetic bukan ke tahap kronik, kaknab boleh ambik apple cider vinegar sekali sekala saja, katalah hari tu kaknab termakan makanan yang agak2 terlebih gula, macam chocolate, cake atau kueh yang manis2, baru kaknab boleh ambik ACV.  ACV bukan saja menurun tahap gula dalam darah, baik untuk menurunkan cholesterol dan high blood pressure. Selain itu kaknab hari2 exercise tak pernah miss, ini pun boleh menurunkan tahap gula dalam darah. Hari tu pi check, doktor ada bagi pil metformin untuk di makan 1/2 pagi dan 1/2 malam, tapi kaknab tidak makan, sebaliknya kaknab hanya control secara natural home remedies, disamping itu, kaknab juga makan peria katak buat ulam, dan makan grapefruit pagi 1/2 malam 1/2. 

05 June 2011



You should ideally wake up by 6 a.m. Start the day with a glass of water.
Your body will probably be a little stiff after the night's sleep. It's time to really "wake it up" , give it a good stretch and get the circulation going. In Indian thought, early morning is the best time to fill up with life force energy (prana in India, chi or qui in China and ki in Japan).
Do the following exercise:
  1. Stand straight as if in prayer;
  2. Stretch your arms over your head, lean back slightly and inhale;
  3. Bend down, keeping your knees straight and touch the ground with all 10 fingers while exhaling;
  4. Push your feet back, keep your back and head in a straight line and your abdominal muscles pulled in (in the manner of a dog stretching after a nap);
  5. Inhale and lunge forward; place your right foot between your arms and left knee on the floor while looking straight ahead;
  6. Exhale; bring your left foot next to your right (you'll have to bend your knees to keep your hands on the floor);
  7. Inhale and return to prayer position.
    Repeat this sequences six times, alternating your leading leg in step 5 every time. This exercise stretches the spine, "wakes up" your muscles, stimulates blood flow to the brain and fills you up with positive energy.
    If this yoga sequence proves difficult, go for 30 minute walk.
    Have a cup of herbal tea after 15 minutes. A cup of tea or coffee accompanied by low calories, sugar-free biscuits will do equally well.
    Eat your breakfast by 8 a.m.; it should be high in proteins, vitamins and minerals, moderate in carbohydrates and low in fats.




Walking stretches your mind and your soul. It is dynamic mind & body process which creates a sense of rhythm. As you listen to your own silent rhythm, the pulse of life, your own heartbeat - you become whole, a complete man - fit in Mind, Body and Soul.

Walking energizes you, awakens you and stills your mind to fully relax. With the change of mind your moods change and you experience a physical and a spiritual upliftment. As you relax, your perception change and you reach from the everyday conscious mind to your highest level of mind - the intuitive mind. Your subconscious cuts through the mental clutter, releasing latent vitality and creativity, transcending traditional linear thinking and helping you find a creative solution.

There are many ways you could possibly benefit yourselves from i.e. an exercise as simple as morning walk. In today’s irritatingly fast world, you deprive your self of the much needed oxygen that is anyways getting depleted with the time. The earliest hours in the morning would probably give you fresh oxygen and quality time to spend with the greenery and beauty around you that perhaps only writers and poets around you seem to notice.

The oxygen that you get early in the morning also gives you great amount of energy especially to your joints. The movement in your legs releases good cholesterol in your blood, opening up some of the "chakras" or channels of energy. By constantly moving your joints, you increase your blood circulation in a way that can only be completed with your daily morning walk.

Awareness walking is a walking meditation. Focusing on the rhythm of the breath and rhythm of each step, we induce a state of a deep relaxation and self awareness. Adding mind-body technique to walking, we can provide greater relaxation and stress management, and can turn a routine walk into a creative & rejuvenating experience.


Ordinarily, in today’s hectic world, its quite possible that amidst so much that’s happening around you, makes you feel that an ideal life is but a living dream (which may remain as one) and you tend to lose out on great many things that the future holds for you. A great walk in the woods while admiring nature talks to you in many ways than one. For many of us this may be one of those things for which you either need luck or perhaps the time. And most of us believe that these are never in one’s grasp.

Much of the time our bodies are sluggish and our blood never gets an airing. Oxygen is rarely allowed to surge through our veins making us feel energetic, alive and vital. But exercise can change all that. It rejuvenates and revitalizes the body's cells, releasing muscular tension and relishing our energy levels. Exercise motivates, energizes and empowers. "The easiest way to change yourself is physically". 'Physical change quick'. So kick, start your day with a morning walk. They will tone and energizes you and connect you with your inner rhythms. Walking decreases stress hormones and increases relaxation hormones (beta-endorphins) which elevate your mood and increase your sense of well being.

Walking is natural mood elevator. It helps in promoting feelings of happiness and can ease mild depression. Walking gets you going, revs up your circulation and gives you the energy to get through the day.

The human body is the ultimate exercise machine and walking is the easiest and safest way for most people to re-energizes their bodies and burn away the harmful affects of stress. In other words, to experience health, fitness and deep relaxation, walk.

Walking can be a whole philosophy of life. After all, from the moment we rise in the morning till we climb into bed at night, we are on and off our feet.


This is perhaps the most overlooked and neglected form of exercise. Because it sounds and look easy, most of us do not bother to walk, but prefer to sign up for expensive aerobic classes and spend a lot of time in a gym.

We recommend walking as exercise since it costs nothing, requires no partner and expensive gadgets, but will burn nearly the same calories as jogging does. It does not burden the body, instead if done in calm and peaceful surroundings like a park or country road, it will let off the tension in your mind and body.

Before you use walking as exercise

  1. Make sure you do not eat an hour before going out for a walk. Digesting takes a lot of energy from the body. If you exercise right away after eating, you are going to overburden yourself. Fruits or juices are okay, since they do not tax the system as much.
  2. Exercise alone will not make you healthy. No amount of walking or jogging will help the body if you do not eat properly or have greater affection with cigarettes and alcohol.
  3. It does not really matter when you do it. Although we acknowledge that an early morning walk is better because the air is significantly fresher, for people who only have the afternoon to do it, it is okay.
  4. Avoid busy roads. You need fresh air with green & clean surroundings. The aim is to relax the mind as well as exercise the body. If you are taking more carbon dioxide than oxygen, you are harming your body. So, find a nice, peaceful and green place.

How to do it

Actually, the human body is designed to walk, no one should be taught how to do it. However, for walking as exercise to give more impact, this is our recommendation
  1. Get at least 30 minutes walk everyday. Keep your pace at 3 to 5 miles an hour.
  2. Vary your routes so that you are not walking on flat ground.
  3. If you cannot maintain brisk pace, this is what you should do. Alternate between a 2 minutes brisk walk with a more comfortable pace for the next 2 minutes. After that 2 minutes “rest”, pick up your pace again. If you can maintain brisk walk, do it for approximately 20 minutes. If you cannot allocate 30 minutes a day, don’t worry. The most important thing is to do it regularly. Walking as exercise will restore your peace of mind, make your blood pressure normal and control your appetite. It is better than any pills invented by mankind.


Lets learn how walking affects our body components. It affects the five components of fitness:
    Walking four times a weak, 45 minutes each time, the average person can lose 18 pounds in a year with no change in diet. Walking can help you trim fat as well as tone your muscles.
  2. CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS : Walking, at any level or speed, two or three times a weak for at least 20 minutes increases cardiovascular strength. By increasing the strength of your heart and lungs, you increase your ability not only to exercise longer and harder but also to perform everyday task without tiring.
  3. FLEXIBILITY: As with any endurance activity, walking doesn't significantly increase your flexibility. Every activity uses certain muscles groups more than others. Therefore you don't stretch the muscles that walking uses extensively. They'll tighten, straighten and perhaps cause pains or strains. These exercises are vital for remaining free injury.
  4. MUSCULAR ENDURANCE: All walkers develop a moderate amount of endurance, which enables them to exercise longer before becoming exhausted. Race walker have high endurance comparable to that of marathon runners. Walking helps build your ability to do something longer without fatigue.
  5. MUSCULAR STRENGTH: You will gain muscular strength with walking but probably not enough for well rounded fitness. Muscles that get an extra workout in walking include the entire back of the leg, calves, hamstrings, and gluteus. You will use muscles in the back of shoulders when you swing your arms. Walking provides other physical benefits and prevents dangers associated with other types of exercise. Walking is a low-impact exercise, which puts less strain on bones and tissues.


Walking brings significant health benefits to body and mind. Research shows that regular walking contributes much to your overall health and fitness in important ways:
  • Strengthens your heart
  • Delays or prevents major diseases or illness
  • Reduces blood pressure and the risk of stroke
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Strengthens joints and bones
  • Helps control weight
  • Improves mood and self-esteem
  • Contributes to “brain fitness”
  • Gives you energy and a good night’s rest
  • Relieves stress and worry
  • Improves balance and circulation
  • Boosts immune system


It works to build fitness, slimness and cardiovascular health and helps with relaxation.


Taking a walk regularly is one of the best things you can do for your back. It promotes muscular development, increases circulation, and speeds up the release of endorphins which provide a natural "high".


As we get older there is a gradual decrease in skeletal strength. The mineral content of bones decreases and their texture becomes thinner. And because the bones are too porous and brittle, they are more likely to fracture. This condition is known as osteoporosis.

Calcium and exercise are the keys to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Walking may help you combat it. It is the easiest and safest form of exercise for people of all ages. The studies show that a walk of just half an hour, four times a week, can help prevent osteoporosis.


It has been seen that the people who are active and fit are not so likely to smoke as those people who are sedentary and less fit. Although walking does not actually stop people from smoking, the regular routine of walking can be applied as a positive habit to replace the negative habit of smoking.

In order to improve your general health, you must find the will power to stop. Smoking causes feelings of fatigue because it impairs the delivery of oxygen to the cells of all the body's organs, destroys vitamin c in the body, impairing the immune system and increases the amount of carbon monoxide in the bloodstream, leading to heart and lung disorders and cancer.


Regular walking can reduce high blood pressure - hypertension - by making the heart work more efficiently and by improving the circulation. It has been shown that blood pressure can be reduced by weight loss. Regular walking combined with a low fat, high fiber-diet is an excellent form of weight control. There are other ways in which you can help yourself to reduce high blood pressure:-
  • Do not smoke.
  • Decrease your intake of alcohol and caffeine.
  • And make sure your diet is low in salt, sugar and fat.


Cholesterol is present not only in the blood stream but in all of the body's tissues. Most of the cholesterol in the blood stream is made in the body, but some foods which we contain cholesterol (Dietary cholesterol).

Cholesterol is transported in the blood by lipoproteins. There are two types of lipoproteins - High density (HDLs) and Low density (LDLs). HDLs are sometimes called "good" and LDLs "bad" cholesterol. The higher your HDL level the lower the risk of heart disease.

Stress can also affect your cholesterol levels. Regular walking can increase the levels of "good" cholesterol in the blood, reducing chances of a heart attack. So try to avoid stress - and relax. Go for a walk.


Regular walking may reduce the risk of a heart attack by half. It can help to lower the risk of coronary heart diseases as there is a link between vigorous physical exercise and a low incidence of heart failure.

Although regular, vigorous exercise can reduce the risk of developing coronary heart diseases, it cannot provide immunity. So many other factors have to be considered. And another way in which you can help yourself is by having a healthy and balanced diet.


When you feel fit and healthy your self-confidence increases and you feel more able to cope with the demands mode on you. Time spent walking means time taken off from the stresses of daily life. As a result you feel less anxious. Regular exercise can increase the levels of endorphins - naturally secreted hormones - that appear to work in the brain, increasing a sense of well being. And this feeling of contentment in turn increase your Self confidence.


tips tips untuk High blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is the excessive force exerted on the artery walls by the blood flowing through the body. This elevated pressure can cause more serious complications; therefore it must be treated effectively.
Blood pressure measurement uses two numbers. It is written in the form of a fraction, such as 120/80. The numerator (120), is the systolic blood pressure(mm Hg) and the denominator (80) is the diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg).
blood pressure measurement
Normal blood pressure reading is: 120/80
Hypertension Classification for Adults:
Systolic: <120, Diastolic: <80 (120/80)
Systolic: 120-139, Diastolic: 80-99
Stage One Hypertension
Systolic: 140-159, Diastolic: 90-99
Stage Two Hypertension 
Systolic: 160+, Diastolic: 100+
Unlike many diseases, high blood pressure is often present with no obvious symptoms. Therefore, the term “the silent killer” is used often to describe this disease. Patients can be totally unaware that they have high blood pressure for many years.
High Blood Pressure Symptoms
Some of the symptoms that high blood pressure presents are:
  • Tightness, pressure, or pain in the chest or arms
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Low exercise tolerance
  • Nausea
  • Episodes of confusion
Everyone Should Have their Blood Pressure Checked
If you had never check the level of your blood pressure or the last time you did was a long time ago, you should immediately pick up the phone and make an appointment with your doctor. Check up on high blood pressure need not be an expensive affair, you can have yours checked inexpensively at a clinic or at home.
High Blood Pressure Diet
It is important that you are aware of foods that cause high blood pressure. Here are some of the food you MUST avoid:
1. Foods that are high is sodium (salt)
Sodium or sodium chloride (processed salt) intake causes HBP.  Instead of using regular salt, purchase ocean (celtic or sea) salt
cut your salt
2. Foods that are processed (hydrogenated/artificial oils)
Margarines are made with hydrogenated oils.  Check labels for the words, “no hydrogenated oils.”
3. Foods that are high in trans fat (trans fatty acids)
It’s simple – avoid fried or fatty foods.
4. Foods such as red meat
Red meat causes HBP due to toxic substances and chemicals digested by the animals prior to processing.
5. Foods that are high in sugar
Foods that are high in sugar are also high in calories.  This causes you to gain weight.  Obesity is a significant cause of HBP.
High Blood Pressure Treatment
If you are seeking a way to lower high blood pressure naturally, look no further. Here are 8 ways you can do it:
1. Lose weight. This is one of those things that is a lot easier said than done. However with a continued effort on your part you will begin losing the weight.
2. Increase the amount of water you drink to about 10-12 glasses a day. Drink water before every meal to help you feel full faster.
3. Eat smaller portions more frequently. Only eat until you are no longer hungry instead of eating until you are full.
4. Walk, jog, run, bike ride, play ball. Anything that will get you moving should be done. Start off slow and gradually increase your activity.
5. Your doctor will tell you about the DASH diet. You need to stick with this diet so you know you will be eating the foods that are healthy for you to eat and not eating foods that are going to add to your blood pressure problem.
6. As mentioned above, exercise is vital to your overall health. You should have a target amount of exercise time everyday. Try to start with a minimum of 30 minutes a day of light to moderate exercise.
7. If you drink alcohol, it is best for you to stop. Some doctors will approve of an occasional alcoholic beverage from time to time. However, if you can fully avoid alcohol altogether it is best.
8. Smoking should be a thing of your past. If you are not a smoker, good for you. However, you do need to avoid places that are going to subject you to second hand smoke as well.
High Blood Pressure Remedies
Natural remedies for high blood pressure are often effective if they are combined with proper diet and lifestyle change. Therefore, it requires discipline to get the best results.
Garlic -  Medical studies confirmed the presence of allicin which helps in the lowering of cholesterol level. Ideally, one clove a day is all that is needed.
Potassium – In a study made, potassium significantly reduced the blood pressure of the participants. Average daily intake should be from 2,000 to 4,000 milligrams. Sources are bananas, honeydew, prunes, raisins, orange juice, beans, spinach, cantaloupe and baked potatoes.
Calcium – At least two studies can confirm that calcium supplement can reduce the chances of having high blood pressure in pregnant women if taken ranging from 1,200 to 1,500 milligrams daily.
Celery – Has mild diuretic properties that helps reduce the fluid in the bloodstream. Take at least four stalks daily to get the best results.
Turmeric – This is a staple ingredient in most Indian cuisines. It enhances the ability of the body to process cholesterol and can be bought in some health food stores. Take at least 150 milligrams three times in a particular day.

Hot pepper
 – Contains capsaicin oil that removes the LDL cholesterol from attaching to the arterial walls.
Fish – Have omega-3 fatty acids that are good in neutralizing the bad cholesterol (LDL) while maintaining the good cholesterol (HDL). Sources are from tuna, salmon, and mackerel. One three-ounce serving per week is already sufficient.
Soy – The presence of phytoestrogens helps in the breakdown of the LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream to the liver for excretion.
Flaxseed – Due to its high fiber content, this is good in the lowering of LDL cholesterol and the preservation of HDL cholesterol. Ground flaxseeds are available at health food stores and can be used on yogurt, soup or cereal.