13 February 2016

kuah kacang cecah patongko

kaknab baru saja siap buat kuah kacang untuk makan dengan kueh patongko sarapan esok pagi. jom kita kita resepinya. kuah ni blh juga cecah dengan cucuq udang. kalau buat pecal boleh juga tuang kuah ni atasnya. kira kuah untuk semua lah

satu mangkok cabai  kering yang sudah dikisar.
3 batang serai )
sedikit lengkuas)
7-8 bawang keci) kisar halus ketiga ni.
2 camca makan gula merah
gula secukupnya
kacang tanah digoreng dan dikisar halus
air asam jawa.
minyak secukupnya
garam secukup rasa

tumis serai/lengkuas/bawang kecil yg sudah dikisar hingga garing dan wangi.  masukkan cabai kisar masak sampai wangi dan pecah minyak, masukkan air asam jawa. kemudian gula merah, garam, gula putih. biar ia masak elok, hingga pecah minyak, masukkan kacang yang tanah yg sudah dikisar, kalau pekat tambah air. masak lagi 10-15 minit. siap boleh dihidangkan dengan patongko.

12 February 2016

bengkang gandum yang sedap

hari ni kaknab buat bengkang gandum. sebelum ni pun biasa buat, tapi yang ni lagi sedap. yang resepi dulu pun sedap tapi yang ni banyak kali sedap. suami kaknab pun kata sedap. kaknab akan kekalkan resepi ni. rasanya lemak, manis dan lembut.

1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
1 1/2 gula (kalau xmau manis kurangkan)
2 cawan santan
1 cawan air daun pandan
4 biji telur
sedikit warna hijau
sedikit saja garam.
2/camca makan planta@minyak sapi@butter

sedikit serbuk jintan manis untuk hilang bau hanyir telur, bau pun sedap
kalau tak boh pun tak apa. knab ni sensitive sikit bab telur ni.

knab blend semua bahan di atas dalam blender.  knab bakar menggunakan periuk bengkang di atas api yang perlahan selama sejam. bila dah masak baunya harum saja.

03 February 2016

Kuih cakoi aka patongko rangup

Jom kaknab kongsi kuih cakoi atau kaknab panggil patongko.

Sebenarnya knab dah banyak  buat kuih ni tapi tak berapa nak menjadi, ni resepi terbaru mmg rangup dan sedap. Oleh kerana patongko ni memang asalnya kuih orang china,siam dan vietnam, jadi resepi mereka memang sedap dan rangup.

Kuih cakoi

500 grams bread flour
1 packet of instant yeast (about 11g)
4 grams of baking soda
4 grams of double acting baking powder
16 grams of salt
15 grams of cooking oil
1 egg
250 grams of warm water
4 tablespoon of sugar dissolve it in 250  of warm water.(this added by knab because knab like a bit sweet. Their original recepi no sugar.

In  a big whisking bowl, put all dry ingredients together. Make a well in the centre, add the eggs and water. Use a spoon to roughly stir until it form a sticky dough. Transfer the whisking bowl to the standing mixer. Use a dough hook and beat the dough at medium to high speed for about 15 minutes until smooth. Add oil and beat for another 10 minutes until all the oil are incorporated.

Set aside and let it proof until almost double in size. Kaknab set for 45 minutes only.
Transfer the dough to a flat surface. Use a rolling pin to roll it in a square.shape of about 0.5 cm thickness. Cut the dough into 1 cm x 6 cm rectangular pieces. Put one piece of dough on top of the other piece of dough. Place the two pieces of dough on top of a chopstick. Press. Place chopstick on the othe side of block with chopstick, press to get like divider. Pull longer and fry till golden brown.

02 February 2016

Menu hari ini

Dah siap masak menu untuk hari , ayam masak cabai, ikan selangat goreng, sayur kobis masak lemak, ikan keli masak cabai, ulam pucuk jangguih, kangkong dan timun kecik.

Kenapa ada ayam dan keli masak cabai, sebab anak2 dan suami tak makan keli, so masak ayam untuk depa, kalau tak masak keli, dah dua hari ikan tu dalam peti ais. Ikan yang suami dapat masa memancing, ikan keli seberat 850 gm. Kalau simpan lagi tak sedap pula.

Info kesihatan, baca jangan tak baca

Kaknab ambik dari message wasap yang group hantar, baik untuk kita tahu.

It's really worth to read this!

Wishing you always healthy, Doctor Tang from St. Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong wrote this:

We, human being, as long as our spleen, liver, large intestine, kidney are healthy, we will be far away from cancer, diabetes, heart attack and high blood pressure.

Spleen must be healthy in priority.

Once you are sick, you must recover your spleen first.

Our daily three meals, grains/wheat/brown rice at least must take 50%, learn to make it as an habit.

Grain crops are red bean, soya bean, green bean, Chinese Pearl barley. Lotus seeds are good also. Once your spleen is good, liver will automatically be healthy.

Spleen is manufacturing blood. The important schedules for processing are 12:00 am and 12:00 pm. Thus, when you need to rest, you must rest. Nowadays, they are a lot of people who are having problems of liver. Why is it?

Late sleeping, eat oily fried foods, bad mood, these are the three nemesis.

Once oil covered up our liver. When you eat oily foods, oil will cover up your whole liver, your liver will loss its functions.

When we are feeling not comfortable, the sickness is coming to rectify our negligence, use pain to educate us, we must change our way of living.
Every morning, do you find difficulty to pass motion? What does it mean?

 Your intake of fibre foods are not enough.

Thousands of sickness problems, their main cause is unable to perform daily passing motion through large intestine.

If your large intestine is good, in the morning, you are not woke up by yourselves, the movement of large intestine is calling you. Why?

Because 5:00 am to 7:00 am, our large intestine is most actively performing its functions. That's why we inform cancer patients must go to sleep at 9:00 pm. Because large intestine will automatically wake you up in 6:00 am to 7:00 am to sit on the toilet bowl.

How many times you must go to toilet everyday?

Please remember, if 4-5 days go once to toilet, you are serious in constipation.

2-3 days once, considered as medium level of constipation.

One day once is mild constipation.

Once the foods is maintained inside our stomach for 12 hours, it became poisonous particles.

Because the poisonous particles are not passing out, it will absorbed by large intestinal wall, it will send back to liver, and damaged our liver. This will create a serious problem.

There is a direct relationship between liver and large intestine. Once our large intestine is passable, liver will get recovered, and build-up our antibody. Then, blood delivery to heart will be clean, no sickness will attack you.

When you feel that everyday you are tiring, very easy to get tired, that means you are having problems with liver, your blood is unable to return back to liver.

What is your health depending?

While you are sleeping, your spleen is going to collect blood and deliver to liver for dialysis, after clean up the poisonous particles, it then delivers to heart, heart will despatch throughout your body. You then received nutrients and get healthy.

Very unluckily, nowadays people is having problems on spleen. Spleen itself is not storing blood.

There is only one method to maintain spleen, grains/oat/wheat is the most effective. Why modern body is so poor, many sicknesses?

Because they don't eat grains/oat, they eat burger, fried chicken, steak, French fries, rice. You must eat the source foods like brown rice, oat, wheat.

Recovering back the four main organs, sickness will leave you.

Use your patience to read several times, properly take care yourselves. This week is "world friendship week", send this message to all of your good friends.