30 September 2012

kaki makan air (atheletes foot)

Kaki makan air ialah gatal dicelah celah jari kaki, bila gatal, kita garu lama2 kulit akan merepeh, mengopek, sakit, merah dan kadang kadang macm luka. Ia disebabkan oleh kulat atau fungus baca ni http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaki_makan_air

celah jari hendaklah sentiasa kering. Selalu lap kaki lebih2 lagi apabila kita selalu ambik wuduk sehari 5 waktu, jika dibiarkan basah dan lembab dicelah celah jari ini lah akibatnya.


Selepas solat subuh, kaknab terus tanak santan untuk di buat ketupat pulut. tak banyak buat pun, 2 1/2 cawan pulut sahaja, pulut yang baki, selepas buat 3-4 kali lepas raya. kelmarin beli daun palas satu ikt 5 ringgit, kalau 2 1/2 cawan pulut memang lebih banyak lah daun tu nanti, tak kisah lah, buat je wpun sikit, bil dah balut semua dapat lah 26 biji, cukuplah untuk sarapan pagi ni, makan dengan gulai daging. ummmmph itulah favourite kaknab dari dulu lagi, suami orang Johor pun terikut gemar ketupat pulut, dia ni lece sikit, kalau kaknab beli yang dah siiap dimask, dia kurang makan, tak sedap katanya, kalau kaknab buat makan sampai puas.

ketupat pulut

gulai daging
dah potong senang makan
Senang je nak buat ketupat ni, sukat beras, santan ikut sama banyak dengan beras pulut, contohnya, kalau beras 5 cawan santan pekat pun 5 cawan. masak santan, masukkan sedikit garam, masak sampai mendidih, sambil kacau perlahan2, agak2 santan dah pecah minyak sedikit, masukkn beras yang sudah dibasuh, kacau lagi sampai kering santan, biar sejuk kemudian balut. kemudian rebus. masak air hingga mendidih baru masukkan ketupat, seelok2nya masak sampai airnya kering, baru ketupat msak elok dan liat. kaknab selalu rebus dengan ricecooker, mudah je, bila air dah kering periuk nanti otomatik tukar ke warm boleh angkat.senang kan.

Macam mana pula nak balutnya tengok video ni, kaknab sedang balut ketupat

26 September 2012

persiapan ke Mekah

Lagi 2 minggu kaknab akan berangkat ke Mekah dengan KT87. Tapi semua persiapan sudah pun siap. semua barang keperluan sudah pun di masukkan dalam beg, boleh seal dah. Senang buat semua siap, nanti tak lah kelam kabut sangat. Kaknab memang tidak suka kerja yang kelamkabut nanti tertinggal sebab dah kesuntukan masa, mulalah itu tak ada, ini tak ada, kalau buat awal hati pun senang.

apa ada dalam beg besar kaknab?

kain selimut 1 helai
2 helai seluar tracksuit        )
2 helai tshirt lengan panjang) untuk di pakai malam
1 pasang telekung
1 pasang baju/seluar panjang putih (untuk dipakai masa ihram
4 pasang baju/seluar
2 helai kain batik
5 helai mini telekung
1 helai tuala
2 helai tuala kecil
3 pasang sarung lengan
sehelai baju inner berpoket putih
setokin 3 pasang
ubat ubat
torchlight kecik
bantal angin
safety pin
pengepit kuku

Apa ada dalam beg 5 kg kaknab?

1 helai tuala
1 pasang baju/seluar putih untuk dipakai ketika ihram
1 baju inner putih berpoket
2 mini telekung putih
1 baju sweater
plastik kosong
setoking 2 pasang
sarung lengan 2 pasang
anak tudung 4
1 pasang selipar
sepasang kasut tawaf
berus gigi/ubat gigi
asam jawa (untuk diminum airnya kalau sakit tekak)

apa ada dalam beg galas belakang pula.

buku haji dan umrah
buku doa
sim card 10 rial
buku kesihatan
surat SJP
buku panduan perrjalanan haji
camera sony
camera canon
charger camera sony dan canon
sticker nombor untuk digunakan semasa tawaf dan saie. untuk membilang pusingan supaya tidak lupa.
marker hitam/merah
tape kuning
buku nota (untuk mencatitkan semua aktiviti di sana untuk dimasukkan dalam blog)

24 September 2012

apa hempedu buat dalam badan kita?

Kaknab suka baca article ini sebab mak kaknab ada batu dalam hempedu, jadi kaknab kongsi dengan kawan2 blogger. copy and paste dalam blog supaya kaknab boleh selalu baca, kawan2 pun boleh baca, sorry, in English, tapi boleh faham kan.

The Purpose of the Gallbladder

28th June 2004
After losing my gallbladder, I have done a reasonable amount of research into what I lost. I keep yearning for my missing organ, wondering what the affects will be on me long-term.
I know that the short term benefits are the immediate cessation of pain, and I'm quite happy with that. But my problems are not over. There is still a downside.

What a gallbladder does

Our bodies do some pretty amazing things, and it's all inter-related. So the story starts with worn-out red blood cells. The spleen filters these out and breaks them down and turns them into bile salts and other things. So we have bile salts floating around in our bodies. The liver filters these bile salts out of our system, collects them and sends them to the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small organ that lives under the liver. It is a hollow organ designed to hold liquid. A bladder. Bile used to be called gall. And that's why it's called a gall bladder. See this description by Dr. Gary Farr for a detailed examination of the gallbladder and its functions. Good diagrams too.
The liver sends the bile salts to the gallbladder where they are stored. The liver also sends waste products down too. More on that later. The gallbladder collects the liquid, extracts water, and concentrates it. The end result is bile, a green, strongly alkaline, bitter, corrosive liquid.
When fat globules arrive in the upper reaches of the small intestine, the duodenum, it triggers a hormone. The hormone tells the gallbladder that bile is needed, so the gallbladder does a muscular contraction and dumps a large quantity of bile into the duodenum to deal with the fat. The enzymes that digest fat can only work on the surface of the fat globules. To effectively digest the fat, the surface area needs to be as large as possible so the enzymes can get at the fat. The bile acts as a detergent on the fat and causes the large fat globules to break down into microscopic droplets thereby creating a much greater surface for the enzymes to work on
 to digest the fat.


The liver sends more than just bile salts down to the gallbladder. It sends waste products too. Two of the waste products are calcium and cholesterol. Presumably when there is an excess of calcium in the system, the liver extracts it and dumps it. The cholesterol appears when the liver produces more cholesterol than the digestive juices can liquefy, and it dumps the excess into the gallbladder. The gallbladder is the trashcan of the liver. Normally, these waste products concentrate down with the bile and are flushed into the duodenum when the gallbladder does its bile dump, and then they are passed on down the tract and excreted. Sometimes they don't.
Sometimes these two waste products will crystalise and form gallstones. 20% of gallstones are made of calcium, and 80% are made of cholesterol. Gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a hen's egg. Occasionally, some can be larger.
So who gets them? You run the risk after you turn 20. The older you get, the better chance you have of having gallstones. Are you turning 40? Oops. Stronger chance of gallstones. Young women have a much greater chance of getting them than young men. Once you hit 50, men and women have an even chance of getting them. Race also plays a part in determining who gets gallstones. Native Americans have the highest chance of getting gallstones and Mexican-Americans have the second highest chance.
When you get gallstones, you might get just on A large one. Or you might get 10 of various sizes. You might even have hundreds of small ones. You might even have thousands of small ones. Normally, these will pass out of the gallbladder and get into the duodenum and then pass out of the body. The problems occur when the gallstones do not pass out of the body, when they get stuck. When the gallstones get stuck, they can cause a range of problems.
  • Cholesterol crystals can form on the lining of the gallbladder. You need surgery.
  • The gallstones can get stuck in the bile duct that leads into the duodenum. If you don't get an infection, this often fixes itself when the gallstones pass on. If you get an infection,
  • probably surgery is required.
  • The gallstones can get stuck in the cystic duct, which is a tube that connects the gallbladder to the common bile duct. This will enlarge and inflame the gallbladder. There are two levels of seriousness - acute (occurring with middle-aged people) and chronic (occurring with elderly people). Surgery is required.
  • The gallstones can block the entrance to the large intestine. You need surgery. This mostly occurs with elderly people.

Gallstones Flush

I keep reading about gall stone flushes and gall stone cleanses. I am unsure about the usefulness of these, but many people seem to swear by them. They tend to be of the type where "my doctor won't believe me, but I did this natural thing and look at all these gallstones I flushed out". I mention them because they are a non-surgical attempt to flush gallstones out of the system. They mainly consist of a fast from solid food, then flushing the system with water or fruit juices, and then using olive oil and lemon juice to slip the gallstones out. Rather than me describe them further, you should investigate them yourself, so I have included a number of links. Now if I had found these web sites before I had my gallbladder removed, I would have been very tempted to try them out and see if they helped. Now it's too late to save my gallbladder, and I can but speculate.
    Many of these web sites claim that most gallbladder removals are unnecessary and can be avoided by doing the gallstone flush. I am disturbed by this. If it's not true, then it's a bad thing to give people in pain false hope. If it is true, then I am unhappy that I could have solved my gallbladder problems without surgery. It's too late for me. You need to investigate these things yourself, and consult with your doctor.
    There are some unpleasant things about the flushes. A colonic irrigation is a frequent helper in these flushes. I'm not, ah, exactly enamoured of such things. The frequent mention of drinking olive oil to the point of vomiting is a little disquieting. And the descriptions of putting a net under your toilet seat so you can filter the results of the flush and collect the exiting gallstones is, quite frankly, something I would really rather not want to admit doing. Collecting a few hundred gallstones from your fecal matter and putting them in a trophy jar is also something I would not want to do. But that's just me. If you want to paddle in poo after trying to save yourself from a possibly unnecessary surgery, then that's up to you. I've lost my gallbladder. If I could have it back, I would have it back. If you haven't lost yours yet and you try these flushes and they help, and they save you from having your gallbladder out, then I will be very happy for you.

    Operating without the gallbladder

    So you've had your gallbladder removed. And you want to know what's happening. The most common thing that is happening, now that you don't have your gallbladder, is that you can no longer process fat like you used to. As I described above, the gallbladder stores bile. When fat reaches the duodenum, the gallbladder dumps a whole heap of bile into the duodenum, and the bile works on the fat like detergent, and emulsifies it and breaks it down so the enzymes can work on it. But you don't have a gallbladder any more, so the normal trickle of bile from the liver to the duodenum is all you've got to work with. So when a chunk of fat hits the duodenum, the duodenum signals the gallbladder for big chunk o' bile. But there's no gallbladder. That signal gets ignored (except sometimes the signal causes unexpected things to happen). So the fat does not get broken down enough to be digested. It passes from the small intestine to the large intestine largely undigested, and then it makes its way out of the body. This can best be characterised as messy.
    Best advice: reduce the amount of fat you eat.

    Gallstones without the gallbladder

    Yes, that's right. You can still get gallstones without the gallbladder. The liver still produces the bile salts and sends them down to the duodenum. While the bile salts pass through the various ducts, they can crystalise and form gallstones in those ducts. You can still get gallstones. They can still block the ducts and cause inflammations and infections and require more surgery. Remember what gallstones are made of? 80% of them are made of crystalised cholesterol and 20% are of crystalised calcium. These come from excesses of cholesterol and calcium that the liver just dumps down to the gallbladder, which isn't there any more. Reduce the cholesterol your liver produces, and maybe reduce your calcium a bit and you can reduce the incidence of crystalisation. Or go in for regular liver and gallstone flushes as described above.
     Best advice: lower your cholesterol.to digest the fat.

    Surat jadual penerbangan dah dapat

    Akhirnya dapat lah surat penerbangan, tadi kaknab p pejabat tabung haji, ambik sendiri, nak tunggu depa hantaq lambat sangat. Kena lapur diri pukul 8.00 pagi 12/10/12 Jumaat, tapi haji Suhaimai pengurus TH BM suruh p malam khamis lepas Isya, tidor di complex tabung haji ada tempat penginapan, sebab pukul 4.00 pagi kena ada kat komplex lapur diri kul 8 pagi. tak kisahlah tidoq pun tidoq lah. dah ada tempat tidoq lagi mudah bagi jemaah. Penerbangan terus Mekah, jadi kami semua kena pakai ihram siap2 dan niat di Qarnul Manazil. Oleh kerana kaknab nak buat Haji Tamatuk, kaknab kena niat umrah.

    kaknab ada juga menerima email dari tabung haji tentang surat penerbangan haji, kerana sebelum ini kaknab ada tanya bila jadual penerrbangan, perkhidmatan tabung haji cukup efficient, mereka sentiasa menjawab semua email2 kita dengan cepat. terima kasih kepada Tabung Haji yang memberi perkhidmatan yang cemerlang.

    21 September 2012

    siput kemudi/baji

    Suka tak makan siput baji atau kemudi? Sedaaaap. Ini ialah siput kegemaran kaknab. tapi kata anak2 kaknab, mak ni apa pun sedap hehehe. tolak kayu dengan batu, kalau itu boleh makan mak kata sedap juga.

    Dulu kecik2 kalau musim angin kuat atau ribut, air pasang, bila air dah surut, pergi saja kat pantai tanjung tokong, banyak siput terdampar kat pantai, kena bawa guni, sebab siput ni besar2 kalau bawa karung kecil tak muat. semua tinggal kenangan.

    Tapi la ni, kalau nak makan kena beli kat market, itu pun jarang2 ada. tadi kaknab p market BM beli sepinggan 11 ekor regenya rm10. dah kopek siap, tak kisah lah, sebab orang yang jual kata depa selam dalam laut untuk mendapatnya. bagi kaknab murah sangat2 lah tu.

    Anak2 kaknab tak berapa suka, kira bonuslah semua kaknab balun sorang hehehe. kaknab goreng saja hari ni, masuk kentang, bawang, cabai merah memang sedap. kalau buat gulai dengan keledek pun sedap juga.

    kalau dulu, kulit dia kami buat korek siput remis kat pantai, tapi tak tahan lama cepat patah, jadi bawa banyak lah, patah ambik yang lain pula. kalaulah boleh balik ke zaman kanak2 best kan hehehe

    baji belum kopek
    isi siput baji
    siput baji sudah siap dimasak.

    15 September 2012

    Bag dah dapat

    Ini bag yang dihadiahkan oleh pihak Tabung haji untuk dibawa ke atas kapal terbang. tapi tarikhnya belum dapat lagi, entah bila tak tahu lah. Penerbangan terakhir dari Pulau Pinang 7/10/12. Minta minta biarlah dapat tarikh ini sebab lepas mengerjakan Haji, boleh buat lagi umrah dan tawaf2 sunat kerana duduk lebih lama di Mekah, orang pun banyak yang dah pulang ke tanah air masing masing, nanti tak lah berapa sesak di Mesjidil Haram.

    barang pun dah siap di isi.

    14 September 2012


    Persediaan ke Tanah Suci, Kaknab memantapkan lagi fisikal kaknab dengan berjalan kaki setiap hari sekurang2  5 kilometer sehari. nanti di sana memng banyak berjalan, kalau tak latih dari sekarang, takut nanti pi di sana, jalan sikit dah letih. kaknab berjalan kaki dari berek IPD ke Kamdar pergi dan balik, berjalan kaki ke market BM, ke Tabung Haji Perda, ke Mayban, Jusco dan berjalan kaki untuk p memancing. Sekarang waktunya menguatkan lagi kaki2 lutut kita. semoga di sana nanti bertawaf dan sai'e tidak merasa letih. Lagi 2 minggu lagi kaknab mungkin akan berangkat, wpun tarikhnya belum tahu lagi, tarikh terakhir penerbangan dari Bayan Lepas dijangkakan 7/10/12. minta2 kaknab dapat tarikh ini, tak lama sangat dok di mekah bila musim haji 8 Dzulhijjah, Apa pun kita tunggu tarikhnya dengan sabar.

    11 September 2012

    lagu haji

    at last kaknab dapat juga lagu ni, ni lah lagu favourite kaknab, kalau ada dalam tv kaknab selalu ikut tapi tak tahu lyric dia sepenuhnya. memang sedap. rasa macam nak p esok ke mekah. Masa p kurus haji Perdana kat Usm depa pasang lagi, balik rumah kaknab terus cari sampai dapat, sedap kan.

    10 September 2012


    2 hari 8 dan 9 Sep kaknab da ibu menghadhiri kursus Perdana yang diadakan diadakan di USM Penang. Dengan adanya kursus ini kami lebih faham semua perkara dalam rukun haji, kerana ini dengan practical sekali, wpun hanya di USM kawasan yang tak berapa besar kalau dibandingkan di Mekah, dan jemaah yang hanya dari kawasan Pulau Pinang sahaja, itu pun cukup memberi pengalaman yang begitu bermakna.

    Kami berkumpul di Mesjid Perda, selepas makan dan sembahyang zohor, kami dibawa dengan bas menuju ke Usm. Mesjid Perda di anggap macam di Madinah, apabila sampai di Dataran Dewan Peperiksaan terpampang kain rentang yang tertulis Mekah. Ini berrmakna kami  sampai di Mekah dan berrmalam di maktab2 yang di sediakan oleh pihak tabung haji.kalau , dan jemaah yang hanya dari kawasan Pulau Pinang sahaja, itu pun cukup memberi pengalaman yang begitu bermakna.

     Orang ramai lelaki dan perempuan, menanti dengan sabar ketika ke bilik air, hanya terdapat 3 tandas di tingkat di atas dan 3 tandas di tingkat bawah yang perlu di kongsi oleh beratus2 bakal2 jemaah, di Maktab tempat kami menginap, suasananya lebih kurang macam di Mudzalifah juga. begitu juga semasa menaiki bas dari Arafah (dataran Dewan tunku Syed Putra yang di anggap sebagai Arafah) begitu juga semasa menaiki bas dari Arafah menuju ke Mudzalifah dari bangunan Syed Putra kami menaiki bas yang di isi dengan penuh  menuju ke Mudzalifah dan berjalan kaki ke Mina pula. Satu latihan yang cukup memberi kami pengajaran dan pengalaman semasa di Mekah nanti.

    beratur untuk mengambil lencana maktab dan no. bas

    makan dahulu sebelum sembahyang zohor

    ibu kaknab yang berbaju jubah biru

    kawan kaknab rasuna yang berrjubah purple

    rasuna berbual sememtara menunggu waktu zohor

    Yang DiPertua Negeri sedang memberi taklimat

    kaknab dan ibu di dalm dewan untuk mendengar taklimat kursus
    ibu semasa latihan tawaf

    latihan Sai'e

    selepas solat maghrib , imam sedang berdoa
    kasut sudah tertukar. sian bakal haji ni terpaksa jalan dengan kasut yang berlainan

    04 September 2012

    lambaian kaabah

    Alhamdulillah, semua urusan ke tanah suci banyak yang dah selesai, dah pun inject, dah bagi TH passpot untuk dibuat visa, gelang pengenalan haji (GPH) pun kaknab dah terima. Hari Sabtu dan Ahad ni ada kursus Perdana Haji, di USM, cuma yang tak dapat lagi tarikh dan jadual kapal terbang serta beg, lencana dan lain2, Ini mungkin akan di beri di Kompleks Haji kut.

    Persiapan bagi pihak kaknab pun dah beres, semua keperluan di Mekah, sudah pun masuk dalam luggage, sepasang baju lagi masih belum jahit, baju yang nak pakai naik kapal terbang kelak. Penerbangan pertama 17/9/2012 dan terakhir 19/10/2012, mungkin kaknab akan dapat hujung bulan sept atau awal oct kut. harap2 begitulah. kaknab sentiasa berdoa semoga emak kaknab 82 tahun sihat walafiat dan dapat menunaiikan haji dengan sempurna, Haji Mabrur. kaknab adalah pengiringnya. yang paling best sekali, my bff, kawan paling akrab iaitu Puan Rasuna Said, akan berangkat bersama2 kaknab, dia adalah fikah kaknab.

    Untuk kemudahan, kaknab menjahit baju labuh dengan seluar, supaya senang, berjalan2  dan bergerak2 kemana2 lebih selesa dan menutup aurat, baju kurung dan jubah, tak bawa sebab pakaian ni dah mencukupi.

    gelang pengenalan haji